Friday, January 19, 2007

Sharkface done with pigskin

Jeff Samardzija will officially not be an NFL wide receiver, electing instead to sign a five-year deal with the Chicago Cubs.

Not too much of a shock. From what I have heard, he has a very promising baseball career ahead of him. Getting $8 million of guaranteed money probably made the decision quite a bit easier, although he would probably say that it "wasn't about the money" or some crap like that. It's possible that it wasn't about the money. He would have been able to make about that much as a first-round draft pick. However, being an NFL player is almost as bad as, well, being an NFL coach. It's year-around, all-day, everyday. These days, the NFL consumes the lives of all who are associated with it. By choosing baseball, Sharkface is making the sane choice. Even if it means 10-hour bus rides for the next couple of years until he hits the bigs, it also means pitching once every five days in the summer time with very little pressure seeing as that the Cubs have invested $8 million dollars in this kid. It isn't as if he is giving up a guaranteed NFL career for the possibility of a career of low-paying minor league gigs.

On the plus side for football fans, it means we won't have to see that ugly mug of his for at least a year or two. For those who don't follow baseball at all, you won't ever have to see it again!

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